Stone floors are natural, beautiful, and always stylish.
Wallpaper is a kind of material used to cover and decorate the interior walls of homes, offices, cafes, commercial buildings, museums, etc.; it is one aspect of interior decoration. It is usually sold in rolls and is put onto a wall using wallpaper paste. Wallpapers can come plain as "lining paper" so that it can be painted or used to help cover uneven surfaces, or textured, with a regular repeating pattern design.
Printing techniques include surface printing, gravure printing, silk screen-printing, rotary printing & digital printing. Wallpaper is made in long rolls, which are hung vertically on a wall. Patterned wallpapers are designed so that the pattern "repeats", and thus pieces cut from the same roll can be hung next to each other so as to continue the pattern without it being easy to see where the join between two pieces occurs.
Types of Wallpapers:
Vinyl Wallpaper Vinyl wallpaper has the design printed on the plastic surface layer, and this is bonded during manufacture to a paper backing for ease of hanging.Blown Vinyl Wallpaper The vinyl surface layer of this wallpaper contains tiny air bubbles that expand its thickness and allow it to be embossed in register with the surface design - for example, to resemble ceramic tiling. Blown Vinyl Wallpaper is tougher than relief wallpapers.
Relief Wallpaper Relief wallpapers are plain papers embossed with regular or random designs and are intended to be overpainted once hung. They are ideal for covering up defects such as cracks and lumps on wall and ceiling surfaces, but need hanging with care to avoid flattening the emboss.
Woodchip Paper Woodchip paper has small chips of wood sandwiched between two layers of paper, giving a surface texture resembling coarse porridge. It’s a very inexpensive paper that covers wall defects well, and intended to be painted over once hung.
Lining Paper This plain smooth paper is used to line walls that contain a lot of cracks or are of uneven porosity. It comes in two grades - 800 (standard) and 1000 (heavy-duty trade) - and is hung horizontally with butted joints. It can also be used as an economy cover-up wallpaper, hung vertically and then painted with emulsion paint.
Borders Borders are narrow rolls of printed washable or vinyl wallpaper used as a contrast to the rest of the wall finish - at ceiling level, for example, or next to picture or dado rails.